Plant for the treatment of OFMSW (organic fraction of municipal solid waste) and M.S.W (in a stand alone configuration) – Calatafimi

Plant for the treatment of OFMSW (organic fraction of municipal solid waste) and M.S.W (in a stand alone configuration) – Calatafimi

The plant has a maximum treatment capacity of 65.000 t/year for the OFMSW treatment section and 80.000 t/year for the M.S.W treatment section.


Calatafimi – Segesta (TP)


Type of service:


Design period:


Technical data

Land plot area:

73.000 m²


OFMSW treatment section:

Capacity: 65.000 t/year
Compost produced: 21.200 t/ year
Biomethane produced: 490 Sm³/h


MSW treatment section:

Capacity: 80.000 t/year
Stabilized organic fraction produced: 19.200 t/year
Recoverable plastics produced: 21.300 t/year
Recoverable metals produced: 800 t/year
Biogas produced: 430 Nm³/h

Sustainable development objectives | Agenda ONU 2023


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The project concerns the construction of a plant in a stand-alone configuration, consisting of both anaerobic digestion section of the organic fraction deriving from the separate collection of urban waste (OFMSW) with bio-methane production (energy recovery) and quality compost (material recovery) and a mechanical-biological treatment section of mixed municipal solid waste (M.S.W) for the recovery of materials / products and energy for the plant’s self-consumption.


The plant has a maximum treatment capacity of 65.000 t/year for the OFMSW treatment section and 80.000 t/year for the M.S.W treatment section. The project therefore envisages the conduct of waste management operations R3 – R4 – R13 – D8 – D13 – D15 as indicated in Annex B and C of the fourth part of Legislative Decree 152/2006. The activities that take place within the plant can be divided as follows:


OFMSW treatment section

  • Mechanical pretreatments;
  •  Anaerobic digestion, biogas production, biomethane refining;
  • Production of quality compost.


M.S.W treatment section


  • Mechanical separation treatments;
  • Anaerobic stabilization, biogas production, energy cogeneration;
  • Aerobic biostabilization of organic waste;
  • Material recovery;
  • RDF production.


The organic treatment of OFMSW produces a high quality compost equal to about 21.000 t/year and biomethane production equal to about 490 Sm³/h. In the M.S.W treatment section we obtain a quantity of stabilized organic fraction (O.F) about 19.000 t/year, recyclable materials about 22.000 t/year and a biogas production about 430 Nm³/h.