Highly automated material recovery facility (MRF) for paper, crdboard and glass – Caivano

Highly automated material recovery facility (MRF) for paper, crdboard and glass – Caivano

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) instruments is used to finance the project, meet the increasingly stringent environmental regulations and maximize recovery and recycling rates.


Comune di Caivano (NA)


Type of service:
Feasibility study
Design period:
February 2022

Technical data

Total site surface:
70.000 m²
Paper and cardboard recovery line
Treatment capacity: 37.200 t/year
Recoverable materials: Plastic materials, Paper bales, Cardboard bales

Glass recovery line
Treatment capacity: 77.000 t/year
Recoverable materials:Green glass cullet, Flint glass cullet, Amber glass cullet, High melting point glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Sustainable development objectives | Agenda ONU 2023


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


The project will take place within the ASI area and is developed by “S.A.P.NA.” Sistema Ambiente Provincia di Napoli S.p.A.


The initiative broadly contributes to enhancing the integrated cycle of urban waste.


Cutting-edge technologies and advanced control systems are used in compliance with EU and national regulations.

Two highly automated process lines are provided:

  • A section for the recovery of paper and cardboard coming from waste already segregated at source (differentiated collection);
  • A section for the recovery of glass coming from waste already segregated at source (colour-sorted glass, cullet production).


The project aims to guarantee R3 – R5 – R13 waste management operations in line with national Decree 152/2006.