Landfill for non-hazardous waste expansion: construction of basin “C” and reprofiling of all basins – Lentini

Landfill for non-hazardous waste expansion: construction of basin “C” and reprofiling of all basins – Lentini

The project is configured as a substantial modification of an Integrated Environmental Authorization obtained with decree no. 649 of 11/20/2012.


Lentini (SR)


Task assigned and carried out:
Final design and Environmental Impact Assessment

Project period:


Technical data

Surface of the new basin:
30.600 m²

Total volume:
2.886.103 m³

Available volume with the reprofiling:
3.791.511 m³


Sustainable development objectives | Agenda ONU 2023


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

The project incorporates the landfill site enlargement, first by the construction of a third cell nearby the existing authorised A and B cells, with an approximate volume of 970.000 m³. The second schedule enlargement stage employs the available intercell spaces accomplishing the restoration of the original orography of the site. After the closure of existing cells, a temporary capping will be done before implementing the second enlargement.
Analogous to constructed cells, the enlargement cell will be equipped with a double collection system for leachate generated within the landfill. This system counts with a main upper-network for regular leachate accumulation and a secondary lower-network which serves as a backup.
Each cell has a leachate collection pipe network with corresponding sumps in order to convey the leachate by pumping it into different steel tanks situated inside concrete containment vessels to avoid accidental leachate spills.
The leachate treatment facility situated within the landfill site, implements ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis technology. The treated water is discharged into water-bodies while the concentrate sludge is pumped over the upper landfill section through a specific infiltration system.
After the closure of cells A and B a landfill gas management system will be implemented for the extraction and collection of biogas through vertical wells, extraction substations for the condensate discharge and pumping to the electrical generation system consisting of endothermic engines.