Anaerobic treatment plant for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the production of biomethane – Municipality of Fermo

Anaerobic treatment plant for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the production of biomethane – Municipality of Fermo

The project, upon completion, will feature a pre-treatment section where the incoming waste will undergo a pressing phase.


c.da San Biagio, Comune di Fermo (FM)


Tipologia di servizio:
Progettazione esecutiva
Periodo di progettazione:
In corso

Technical data

Superficie del lotto:
34.024 m²

Sezione di trattamento FORSU:
Rifiuto organico in ingresso: 35.000 t/anno
Digestato a compostaggio: 12.321 t/anno

Sezione depurativa digestato liquido:
Ingresso separato liquido: 100 m3/g

Rifiuti prodotti in impianto:
Metalli, sovvalli, sabbie, concentrato dal trattamento reflui, acqua depurata

End of waste:
Biometano: 2.900.000 Sm3/anno

Sustainable development objectives | Agenda ONU 2023

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The resulting liquor will feed into an anaerobic digestion section, where biogas will be produced and subsequently refined into biomethane. The digestate will then be directed to a solid-liquid separation section. The solid portion will be sent for composting, while the liquid portion will proceed to a treatment section equipped with a first stage of MBR (Membrane Bioreactor), a second stage of ultrafiltration and osmosis, and a third evaporative stage. The clarified effluent will be reused for industrial purposes.